Friday, February 20, 2015

Letter 1 - When Emptiness Screams....

Dear Younger Brother and Sister of mine...

There is something I need you to know. You are special. I don't care who has told you what. I don't care what you have or would like to own. I don't care who your friends are. I don't even care what you have access to or not. I don't care who you have disappointed. I don't even care who you are dating, are engaged to, are willing to sleep with, follow around or hand your life to. You are special.
The FACT that you are special is not my opinion or what I would like you to believe. It is a given. You, me and all of us were made by the same creator, who loves all of us EQUALLY - no matter what circumstances, the media, social networks, people or religion say. You are special and loved by our creator whether you are a suicide bomber, a saint, a prostitute, a priest, a killer, a university graduate, a teen mom, a celebrity or anything else. The fact that you are special depends not on a title or belief. It depends not on your parents or affiliations. YOU ARE SPECIAL.

You see, I am a lover of life. I am highly thankful for all that I have. More often than not - I am struck by random loads of emotions, just at the realisation of how blessed I am.
Right now, as I type this letter to you. I am employed, have a place I call home, my son is healthy, my family is supportive, I have access to so many opportunities, I have a circle of friends that I can count on, I have colleagues who understand me, I just ate, I am in love with my boyfriend, I have a set of wheels I use to get around, I do a lot of things I am passionate about when I choose to.

That said, my life is not perfect. Right now, money is tight, my knees are killing me, I am not happy at work, I am annoyingly loud, I lack timing, I shout at my son too much and am not on speaking terms with a loved one.
I am telling you all of this because I know for a fact that none of the things I have mentioned above, good or bad, define me. They don't make me any more or less special.

You see, lately I have been realising how a lot of people have forgotten or don't know how special they are. Friends, colleagues, associates and others I don't know from a bar of soap.
I have been bothered, concerned and disappointed.
People are flashing, showing-off, bragging, boasting and trying to rub things, brands and possessions in people's faces.
Dear younger sibling of mine let me enlighten you. People who are content with their truth, people who are on great terms with who they are, people who have self-love, people who know the value of their existence and people who make a meaningful impact on others don't have the time, the emptiness or energy to allow material goods, brands, price tags or money to be the centre of their lives or moments.

Hear me well, I am not saying you and I should not own expensive things. I am not saying we should not reap the rewards of our hard-work or your inheritance. I also am not saying you should feel guilty for enjoying your riches. What I am saying ngwana-ko-gae is, be in the moment. Enjoy what you have without feeling the need to announce to the world or the next person.
When you spend your money on whatever you can afford - don't make it anyone else's business. The make of your car, size of your house or neighbourhood you live in, the tags on your clothes, the places you host your parties at, the colour underneath your shoe, the bling on your finger or the titles in front of your friend's name can be all gone tomorrow. What then? Who are you without them? Is there more to your than those THINGS??? What if all those people you are trying to impress don't even notice that you exist???

Try enjoying the organically good things about life. The laughs that hurt your stomach or bring you to tears, the moments that just make you cry, the friend who shows up when you've given up on getting any form of support, the boyfriend who says "you are beautiful", the niece or nephew who gives you a nick-name, the mom who gives you a hard time, your strength and resilience, your family's health.
Take a selfie and post it because you are feeling beautiful or blessed. Not to show-off your expensive weave, the brand of your shades or flashy car. Show off your child's good results - not the name of the private or exclusive school. Appreciate that you are having a great time at a concert - don't upload that photo to remind people of how connected you are.

There's so much more to life than showing off.

YOU need to be fine with the person you see in the mirror whether she/he wakes up with all the possessions, titles, connections and following still there or gone. I wish you a life where you are so fulfilled that showing off just seems ridiculous. A life where the moment does not seem any less meaningful just because it ain’t on your phone to upload on facebook, instagram or twitter. I wish you a life that is about moments that no-one can take away from you and achievements that build you and not an impression.

When you inspire, you'll have no time to desire. Trust Me I Know....

Until next time...
Be in The Moment. You are special
Your Sister

People who don't have a full
understanding of their purpose
in life are reduced to bragging
about possessions.

- Tebogo PureFinesse Kekana

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